Bismil is a popular drama serial on ARY Digital, receiving widespread praise for its compelling storyline and talented cast. The drama is written by Zanjabeel Asim Shah and directed by Aehsun Talish. Idream Entertainment produced the show. The story ofthe drama serial Bismil revolves around Tauqeer Taseer who falls in love with a greedy girl and marries her. Nauman Ijaz, Savera Nadeem, Hareem Farooq, Saad Qureshi, Behroze Sabzwari, Shaheen Khan, Adnan Jillani and others are among the cast.
Today, the much-awaited 30th episode of the drama serial Bismil aired on ARY Digital. This episode depicted the tragic suicide of Moosa after being rejected by his fiancée, Momal. The sad scene where Moosa shot himself in his room left the fans in tears. Bismil viewers were grieved to see the tragic and untimely death of Moosa. Many are of the view that the drama makers could have only shown a suicide attempt without Moosa’s death.
Fans believe that Tauqeer is responsible for Moosa’s suicide because he kept distancing himself from his son, despite Moosa’s efforts. Ultimately, he lost all hope, especially after Moomal’s rejection.
The viewers also said that the men who decide to marry at an older age should realize that their kids go through severe emotional and mental stress because of their inappropriate actions. Fans are also blaming Moomal’s parents and Masooma for making the situation worse for Moosa. Many said that they cried in all the scenes of Reham which were perfectly portrayed by Savera Nadeem. Fans are praising Saad Qureshi, Savera Nadeem, and Nauman Ijaz’s stellar performances in the heart-wrenching sequences.
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