Parizaad is indeed the most famous dramas with a distinctive storyline. The story revolves around the character of Parizaad. In the recent development, the character of “Guru” was introduced in the drama. Guru is transgender and the character instantly got the public’s attention. Hashim Nadeem who is the writer of the show shared some enthralling details about Guru’s character.
Hasim Nadeem wrote: ” GURU”….
Pareezad shows the 13th episode with an entry of Guru.., A transgender with a heart of Gold but having an eye of the Tiger for his enemies.
Guru is a real life character..whom I met during my service posting tenure while I was serving as an Assistant Commissioner.
Pareezad is a tale of different characters, most of whom I have interacted during my different postings & I find myself privileged being a civil servant that I have observed many shades of life, which I’m sharing through my script with my audience”