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Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt’s War of Words – Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Today, Iffat Omar’s viral debate from programme Superover made waves on social media in which she was having a heated discussion with ace actor and host Ahmed Ali Butt on his question regarding political affiliation. Ahmed Ali Butt highlighted Iffat Omar’s previous statement in which she said that she will give vote to Bilawal or Nawaz Sharif but she can’t vote to Imran Khan ever.

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

To this, Iffat Omar got extremely angry and replied with a louder tone, she said, “Is this even a question?, Obviously, who will vote for Imran Khan, he has destroyed the country, have you ever seen this much chaos before, everything is ruined? This was a one on one debate and Ahmed Ali Butt was continuously cross questioning and asking the situation of Pakistan before Imran Khan.

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Ahmed Ali Butt asked, “there was more chaos and unrest, there were long Marches conducted by Pml N and Ppp. For you, I’m omitting Imran Khan from this political scenario, now, tell me what would happen to Pakistan, would it be fixed?, what do you think was happening before Imran Khan? there were the same people in government, what were they doing, now that I have excluded Imran Khan, tell who will fix this, tell 3 things which were better before Imran Khan?This kept on going until Ahmed Ali Butt settled it down by saying that I would respect Iffat Omar for her work and respect and we have nothing to do with each other’s political views. Have a look at clip.
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Public trolled Iffat Omar on her rigid stance and they said that she behaves like she has some personal differences and issues with Imran Khan. Many people said that one should not loose grace to show affection towards one side. They praised Ahmed Ali Butt’s cross questioning. Here are comments:

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

Iffat Omar & Ahmed Ali Butt's War of Words - Viral Video

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