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Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Pakistan was once on the zenith of sports. We were achieving big in cricket with a World Cup in our name, we were champions in squash with names such as Jehangir Khan and Jansher Khan. Jansher Khan is a legend of Pakistan. He did a lot for squash in Pakistan and achieved many titles for the nation. He is a national hero and a sportsgod in the field of squash.

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Jansher Khan has been suffering from Parkinson’s for quite some time now and the star has earlier shared that he is well and fighting the condition. Now there is an update regarding the champion. The caretaker government of KPK has announced monthly assistance for the star.

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

He and his wife will be receiving 1 lakh rupees to assist his treatment from the government. This was reported by several media outlets including Suno news.

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

The star’s fans and public are disappointed by the announcement as many think 1 lakh rupees are nothing for such a legend while others are not sure why this had to be announced. Here is what they had to say:

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

Public Disappointment On Aid Announced For Jansher Khan

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