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The Connection Between Weight Loss And Zodiac Signs

The Connection Between Weight Loss And Zodiac Signs

Our planetary movements play a very vital role in influencing weight loss or gain factors in a person. However, a good analysis of the birth chart of a person shows the placement of the planets and their connection in weight loss or weight gain. In the recent show of Nadia Khan, an astrologer named Ali talked about the fact that how Zodiac signs affect our weight gain and weight loss and which stars are most inclined to gain weight.

The Connection Between Weight Loss And Zodiac Signs

The Connection Between Weight Loss And Zodiac Signs

The Connection Between Weight Loss And Zodiac Signs

“Yes, it actually happens that there are a few zodiac signs whose weight doesn’t decrease. At times there are certain movements of stars when you attain more water and you gain much more weight. In such movement of stars people start gaining weight” he added ” naturally the waterly signs which include Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces gains more weight. Among these cancer and pieces gains more weight.”

The Connection Between Weight Loss And Zodiac Signs

The Connection Between Weight Loss And Zodiac Signs

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