Udham Patakh is an upcoming Pakistani horror-comedy movie, directed by Abu Aleeha and produced by Javed Ahmed Kakepoto. The star cast of upcoming film includes the very talented Faizan Sheikh, Hira Umer, Syed Ali Rizvi, Shabana Hassan and Taha Humayun in major roles. Film Udham Patakh becomes the first movie to be announced for release post cinemas reopening on Eid-Ul-Adha this year. The entire cast have put together a great effort to give the audience an amazing experience of horror-comedy genre this Eid-ul-Adha.
Finally, the official trailer of upcoming horror-comedy movie ‘Udham Patakh’ is out now. Let’s have a look!
After the release of movie posters and trailer, people are restively waiting for the opening of cinemas and booking their tickets for the cinematic blend of thrill and humor!