Inaam Ghar is a game show hosted by Aamir Liaqat Hussain on Geo TV, the show was started on 18th January on Geo TV. Since its first program Geo Tv has been constantly claiming that the show has broken all records of viewership. In another such claim Urdu Daily Jang (which is part of Geo TV) has published the news, claiming that Inaam Ghar is now the mostly ever viewed “family show” in Asia. Geo is part of Jang Media Group, perhaps the largest media group of Pakistan where Urdu Daily Jang is the most read Urdu newspaper in the world.
However the basis of this claim are not mentioned in the news , like how many viewers actually watch this program, the previous number one “family show” in the Asia, which is now deprived of its status by Inaam Ghar, what is the source of this claim; etc. Above all what is the definition and criteria for a show to be called as “family show”, or a “non-family show”????
The claim is also strange enough as there are atleast three Asian countries which have more population than Pakistan namely China, India and Indonesia. All these countries have better economic status than Pakistan. Also population of India and China is many many times more than Pakistan so television viewership in these two countries is also much higher in numbers than Pakistan. So claiming any Pakistani program has been mostly viewed in Asia, definitely raises many questions.
Here is the reference of news from Urdu Daily Jang.
P.S. Sharing this claim does not mean that one also agrees with it. This forum is a source to share happenings related mainly to Pakistani entertainment scene, and if a Pakistani show has made an Asian record, it is definitely worth sharing.
Rashid Nazir Ali