Much cherished actress of our Media industry Ayeza Khan surely knows how to become everyone’s darling.
Ayeza Khan is loved by public not just because of her talent but also because of her modesty. Ayeza Khan is never seen wearing revealing cloths neither she ever became a part of any scandal.
Ayeza Khan recently became ambassador of a whitening cream; Faiza Beauty Cream. In today’s era where being vocal about colorism is the leading trend, Ayeza garnered a lot of hate. People simply never wanted to see their favorite actress Ayeza Khan promoting a whitening cream and when she did, she received heaps of criticism.
Here we have a video clip of Ayeza Khan in which she shared the secret behind her beauty. Ayeza Said: “I stay happy and let others be happy I don’t talk negative and never talk bad about anyone”
The people went crazy talking about Ayeza Khan’s secret of beauty. They think that Faiza Beauty Cream, tons of makeup and and cosmetic surgeries are the reasons behind her beauty. Let’s have a look at what people have to say about it:
What’s you take on the beauty secret of Ayeza Khan that she shared herself? Share your views with us through comments section!