Barzakh is a Zee Zindagi series. It is directed and written by Asim Abbasi who is also famously known for his film Cake and his Zee Zindagi web series Churails. Barzakh cast features Fawad Khan, Sanam Saeed, Muhammad Fawad Khan, Khushhal Khan, Uzma Beg and Salman Shahid. The series has been shot in the beautiful locations of northern areas of Pakistan.
So far, three episodes of Barzakh have been published on YouTube. The first episode has garnered 2.2 million views, the second episode 776 thousand views, and the third episode 288 thousand views. Barzakh’s views have massively decreased after the release of the later episodes because many Pakistanis revealed that the series didn’t resonate well with them because it promotes something that is against the Islamic teachings.
Well, Barzakh is facing severe public backlash for its bold narrative. Viewers are angry on the Pakistani actors who worked in Barzakh which openly promotes the LGBTQ agenda that clearly goes against Islam. The series is also receiving criticism due to the involvement of Indian makers. Fans feel that these makers are deliberately promoting the same themes which they are promoting in their own dramas and films. Fans are of the view that if Pakistani creators will continue to collaborate with Indian drama makers, Pakistani dramas will also see a decline like Indian dramas. A fan said, “Fawad Khan does these characters to make his Indian fans happy”. Read the comments:
Fans are also angry at the critics who wholeheartedly promoted Barzakh. They are expressing dissatisfaction and stating that the critics need to first go through Islamic teachings before defending it. Also see the clips of critics about Barzakh who are promoting it.