Sajal & Ahad, once the most beloved couple in Pakistan’s entertainment industry, gained immense popularity with their perfect on-screen chemistry in hit drama Yakeen Ka Safar. Their other notable dramas include Aangan, Yeh Dil Mera and Dhoop Ki Deewar. The two got married in March 2020, but their divorce in 2022 left Sahad fans heartbroken, as many used to deeply admire their on screen and off screen bond.
Sajal & Ahad were recently spotted at Hum TV’s 20th anniversary celebration event, where they shared the stage while celebrating the success of Hum TV’s famous shows including Yakeen Ka Safar. Their presence under one roof made fans sad and nostalgic. Sajal Aly and Ahad Raza Mir’s fans started making emotional edits and posts on social media. Here are all the edits:
Sajal & Ahad fans got emotional to see their beloved stars on the same stage. Many got nostalgic and talked about the time when the two stepped on the same stage to get their award for favourite on-screen couple of television. Fans were sad about the fact that they shared the stage together but didn’t even look at each other. A few were of the view that both the actors have moved on, and fans should also do the same. Read the comments here: