Aamir Liaquat Hussain is a big name in Pakistan’s television history. He pioneered Ramadan transmissions and he used to be the main man every year and worked on several channels. He passed away not too long ago and his tragic death shocked the whole nation as it followed some unforeseen circumstances. His work is still alive and people remember him every Ramadan.
This year people are remembering Aamir Liaquat Hussain again and a Naat written by him was recited on Express TV’s Ramadan transmission. It is hosted by Javeria Saud and the whole set broke into tears as they remembered the late televangelist and his beautiful Naat that he had written.
Here is the beautiful recitation of Naat written by Aamir Liaquat Hussain:
The internet is also feeling emotional and remembering the late host. They also sent prayers his way and praised the kalam he had written: