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Abrar ul Haq’s Outrageous Song Idea For Jawad Ahmed

Abrar ul Haq and Jawad Ahmed are two huge stars of Pakistan. They have been at loggerheads since the start of their careers and Jawad has time and again called Abrar names and they have fought very publicly. The duo have never had a moment of peace and though their career trajectories were similar, they never saw eye to eye.

Abrar ul Haq's Outrageous Song Idea For Jawad Ahmed

Abrar ul Haq was a guest on Ahmed Ali Butt’s podcast and shared that he has tried many times to be at peace with Jawad but he was too skeptical of him. He never addressed Jawad directly unless they were somewhere very publicly and he was attacked by Jawad. He also revealed that he once gave an idea to Jawad Ahmed for a music video which was turned down by the latter.

Abrar ul Haq's Outrageous Song Idea For Jawad Ahmed

Abrar ul Haq once asked Jawad to make a song together on their rivalry. He shared that he told Jawad that people know they both do not like each other so they can make a song about it for charity purposes. He wanted the video to start with the duo fighting on an autograph book and ending with an insane plane highjack rescue.

Abrar ul Haq's Outrageous Song Idea For Jawad Ahmed

Here is what he shared:

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