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Aasmanon Pe Likha – Insights from director Mohsin Mirza

Aasmanonn Pe Likha, is the popular drama of Geo maintaining its top ratings since its first episode. It is written by Rabia Razzaqe and directed by Mohsin Mirza. It is the first drama of Sheharyar Munawar with Geo TV. Lot of factors have contributed towards success of this drama, like its different story which some say  is inspired from an indian drama, its commercial touch, or craze of Sheharyar Munawar. Whatever it is the drama is enjoying top ratings and the cast and crew are been followed in media . Director of the drama Mohsin Mirza has also shared some very interesting insights and happenings occured during the shooting of the drama.

Here are the insights form Mohsin Mirza director of Aasmanon Pe Likhha, especially his take on Shaharyar Munawar. The actual article is published in Urdu Daily Jehan Pakistan and written by Imran Sheikh.

mohsin mirza


Rashid Nazir Ali

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