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Agha Ali Shares His Biggest Problem With Pakistan

Agha Ali is an actor who has made a name for himself in the industry through sheer hard work and dedication. The actor has always been very vocal about the struggles he has had, the path he has taken and how he has been able to become a star. He also never shies away from haring his life’s experiences and this is what he did again as he was a guest on wife Hina Altaf’s travel podcast where he shared stories about is travel and how was the experience of exploring the world.

Agha Ali Shares His Biggest Problem With Pakistan

Agha also shared the biggest problem he has with Pakistan and he wishes that this gets better wit our country. Agha shared that he has visited several places and one ting he noticed there has been missing from Pakistan and he wishes that things were different.

Agha Ali Shares His Biggest Problem With Pakistan

He shared that he noticed after travelling that there are almost no single women ever moving in our cities. Women cannot go anywhere alone as they do not feel safe and we always claim to be a safe and conservative society. He wished that things get better in Pakistan and women would feel safer to move alone.

Agha Ali Shares His Biggest Problem With Pakistan

Here is what he shared:

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