Aye Ishq e Junoon on ARY Digital started with a bang and it has been growing slow for the last few weeks. The story has been a bit at a stand still with Rahim getting all the flak for what his brother did. His step-mom is winning every round and he wants to set things straight while also protecting Aiman aka Ushna Shah. The latest episode however, brought back some spark.
Sheheryar Munawar and Shabbir Jan stole the show in the last scene of episode 16. Because of all the lies, Shabbir Jan’s character is now against Rahim and his father. Aye Ishq e Junoon is once again rising if it keeps the momentum going.
Fans are praising Sheheryar Munawar and Shabbir Jan for their strong performances in Aye Ishq e Junoon. This is what they had to say: