Azima from Islamabad was born with a limb deficiency caused by the medicine Thalidomide. The drug, marketed to help pregnant women with morning sickness, caused 10,000 cases of limb malformation in children worldwide. Many were born with missing limbs after their mothers took thalidomide.
This condition did not stop Azima from achieving her dreams. With the use of prosthetic limbs, she is now a young leader, influencing thousands that have been encouraged and inspired by her.
Azima had her parents and peers’ constant support.
“I see life from a leader’s perspective and as a future leader I want to influence other people – whether disabled or otherwise,” says Azima. Her goal is to run her own organisation one day that focuses on inclusive education and gives hopes to people with special needs to move ahead in life.
Sparkistan, a recent campaign by Atlas Battery, pays homage to such heroes among us.