Tan Man Neelo Neel is a drama that has stirred a lot of debate in society since it aired. The last episode has made it a fan favourite and now a new controversy is rearing its head. A professional dancer by the name of Sonu Dangerous has come forward and he has a lot to say about this drama and the character played by lead actor Shuja Asad.
Sonu Dangerous, the real professional dancer has come on the media and he is saying that the drama Tan Man Neelo Neel has destroyed his legacy and his standing in society. He also threatened to take action against the makers of the drama. He sat for an interview where he shared his views about how this show has ruined his life.
Sonu Dangerous is now taking legal action against the makers. He is saying that he is not going to let anyone take advantage of him and he has sent legal notices to the makeup. He added that he is in a lot of stress. He could not release the songs he had choreographed while they were ready due to the pressure. He is also getting a lot of questions asked at any event that he is attending.
Listen to how Sonu Dangerous is taking action against Tan Man Neelo Neel: