The much-hyped web series Churails aired on Zee5. The women-centric show gives a breath of fresh air and revolves around experiences and problems of women. The cast of Churails features talented actresses including Sarwat Gilani, Nimra Bucha, Mehar Bano, and Yasra Rizvi.
The whole cast of Churails is featured on the front cover of Niche Lifestyle. In their interview, they have talked about their experiences and journey of Churails.
Mehar Bano shared, “Churails’ as they talk about creativity, challenging gender roles and self-censorship. It’s not surprising that people who benefit from this flawed system of patriarchy are criticising Churails because this show challenges centuries of gender norms and roles.”
Sarwat Gilani shared her experience and said, “There were a lot of fears that we had while we were reading the script for Churails, but at the same time it was very challenging & I think every artist need challenges to satisfy their desire in order to create something.”
“The intention behind #Churails was to tell a story about women, to tell it in a way that is truthful and authentic about their experiences,” said Nimra Bucha.
Super talented Yasra Rizvi said, “I really want Pakistani content to travel the world, I want people to know about our local stories, our actors, technicians & writers.”
Here is the complete shoot of talented actresses: