Dil e Nadan is Geo TV’s prime-time drama, which is written by Sadia Akhtar. The show has been directed by Saima Waseem and produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi under the banner of 7th Sky Entertainment Productions. The cast features Amar Khan, Mikaal Zulfiqar, Kinza Razzaq, Munazzah Arif, Azra Mansoor, Ali Abbas, and others. The drama is getting good views, but it has a subpar storyline with badly executed situations, which make it a situational comedy drama serial.
Geo TV has so far aired 42 episodes of the drama serial Dil e Nadan. The story of the drama is still featuring Nayab’s unending misery.
Dil e Nadan fans are now annoyed with the continuation of the same old and illogical plotline. Many are of the view that they have lost interest in Nayab, who is the responsible of all the chaos in her life. A social media user wrote, “I am catching up on this drama after a while, but unfortunately things have not changed for Nayab; she is as dumb as she was, and such people don’t exist in reality.” Many said that this Pakistani drama particularly makes them agitated because of the poor and overstretched illogical situations. Fans want the makers to air its last episode soon.