Mehshar is Geo TV’s upcoming prime time drama serial starring Neelam Muneer Khan and Imran Abbas Naqvi in the main lead characters. The drama is written by Aamra Shahid. It has been directed by Syed Ramish Rizvi under the banner of 7th Sky Entertainment Productions. The teasers of the drama serial were already released by Geo TV. Mehshar’s story revolves around two egoistic individuals who unexpectedly fall in love with each other.
Today, Geo TV shared the melodious OST video of the drama serial Mehshar. The OST has been sung and composed by Naveed Nashad. Qamar Nashad has written the beautiful lyrics. The video features Imran Abbas and Neelam Muneer. Here is the link to the OST:
Fans are praising the beautiful OST of the drama serial Mehshar. They are also liking the meaningful lyrics of the song. Many are admiring the chemistry between the main lead actors as well. Read a few comments here followed by screenshots: