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Elderly Person’s Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Muslims have a strong belief in consulting or connecting with Allah Ta’ala in times of need or difficulty. Connecting with the Creator not only solves problems but also brings peace to life. Many practicing Muslims share a special connection with the Creator, which is quite rare, and a public display of any such connection is often loved by the other Muslims because it boasts their Iman too and gives them the courage to develop the same kind of connection with Allah.
Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Lately, a beautiful video of an elderly man is doing rounds on social media. In the video, the elderly person is having a serious conversation with Allah. He is quietly talking about his problems with Allah. The man doesn’t even know that he is being filmed by anyone sitting nearby him. First watch the beautiful video:

Social media users are praising the video. Many are saying that this kind of connection is priceless and that Allah must be listening very carefully to him. Many are of the view that such kind of connection with Allah is necessary because it brings peace and prosperity in the life of a Muslim and it also eases the difficulties hereafter. One social media user wrote, ‘I have seen this video many times, and I have been crying.’ Everyone was inspired by his special connection with the Creator and were praying to have the same kind of relationship with Allah. Read the comments:

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Here are the screenshots from the video:

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

Elderly Person's Special Connection with Allah Inspires Public

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