Famous Pakistani television artist Neelam Muneer recently made headlines after getting married to Muhammad Rashid in a private wedding ceremony held in Dubai. Neelam’s intimate wedding was attended by close family members only. She had four events including Dua-e-Khair, Nikah, Barat, and the reception. Neelam Muneer was looking adorable in all her wedding events. Many people got curious about her husband Muhammad Rashid’s nationality.
Lately, a video of Neelam Muneer’s brother in law is circulating on the internet in which he shared details about his brother and family. The video was shared by Discover Pakistan.
In the video, Neelam Muneer’s brother in law said, “My brother’s name is Muhammad Rashid; we are four brothers and two sisters. Our Bhabhi is a very friendly and kindhearted soul. My brother has plans to come to Pakistan for the Walima ceremony. We are from Mandi Bahauddin, and our father Muhammad Afzal is a clerk here at a school in Mandi Bahauddin. My brother has multiple businesses in Dubai; he has restaurants, cafes and hotels in Dubai. They got in touch when Neelam visited his restaurant. The picture you are seeing of my sister-in-law with our brother is also from her visit to the restaurant. They kept in touch for 2.5 years, after which they tied the knot. We all attended the events; my bhabi gifted me a mobile phone. They have plans to come next month. All other rumours regarding my brother’s origin are not true”. Here is the link to the video: