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Fahim Burney Reveals Channel Rejected Iqtidar OST

Fahim Burney is Iqtidar director and he has been the force behind this show becoming such a huge phenomenon. He has executed every part of this drama meticulously and he was a guest on Maliha Rehman’s show where he spoke about the success of the drama, its OST and the lead cast. He also revealed that the drama will have a happy ending.

Fahim Burney Reveals Channel Rejected Iqtidar OST

Fahim Burney shared that the drama’s OST is sung by a new artist Arshman Khan and he made the song and sent it to Fahim. The channel however was not okay with it and rejected it. The director however was sure that this is going to be the song for Iqtidar and stood his ground.

Fahim Burney Reveals Channel Rejected Iqtidar OST

He told the channel that this song will work and sent them the clips of the show with the song. It is when the channel also felt that it could work. Fahim Burney also told them to get another OST made if they want but he will keep this one too.

Fahim Burney Reveals Channel Rejected Iqtidar OST

This is what he revealed:

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