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Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows – The New Trend

Ramadan transmissions are going on in full swing. From the Shan e Ramzan team which has a set number of people to big actors and actresses taking on the hosting roles, every channel has their own offering for the viewers in Ramadan. Javeria Saud, Rabia Anum, Ahsan Khan, Danish Taimoor are some names who are carrying the transmissions on their backs this season.

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

All the Ramadan shows have a special segment where people can call and ask for Wazaifs and solutions from Islamic scholars. This year we are seeing a rising trend of weird and borderline inappropriate calls in each of these segments. Cheating on their spouses, fifth wives and what not is being discussed in all of these calls.

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Here are a few calls that actually came during Islamic segments of these live shows. Green Tv’s show received a call where a man was asking if he could call his wife by pet names. He even asked if he could call her baby. The call went on-air on the show:

A woman was asking why she cannot have two husbands when men can have four wives:

A man who already had four wives wanted wazifa to get a fifth one:

A very weird call that went viral on social media:

Fiza Ali also had a non-sensical blackmailing story narrated to her:

Another gem from Javeria Saud’s show:

The public is not happy with how such calls are being allowed on live television. These shows are Islamic and they are meant to impart education but the calls have taken a cheap route and they are ranging from cheating to inappropriate romance advice and what not. The Internet is calling these calls fake and planted and they are calling out makers of these shows for not caring about respecting Ramadan and only focusing on views and TRPs:

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

Fake Calls To Garner Attention In Ramadan Shows - The New Trend

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