Alif, the production of Sana Shahnawaz and Samina Humayun, direction of Haseeb Hassan and script of Umera Ahmed garnered a massive popularity from the first day it went on air. Alif came to an end last night and the viewers and fans of this drama could not come to terms with the fact that it ended so soon. Alif carved its own niche and had its own set of audience who loved it and despite the competition with other popular weekend dramas, Alif continued to gain the viewership more and more with each passing episode.
After just 19 hours of being uploaded on YouTube, Alif’s last episode got a viewership of whopping 1.6M. It also trended on Twitter and remained one of the top trends in Pakistan. People took it to social media to share their feelings of gratitude towards the effort and hardwork of Team Alif.
Alif was a unique story which explored the concept of spirituality and all the trials and tribulations one experiences when they start walking on this path. It had many lessons along the journey and forced the viewers to think and introspect about the true purpose of life. Umera Ahmed is known for always writing such content which compels people to do the soul-searching and Alif was no different. The story of Alif was layered and every aspect surfaced at its given time, which made the drama watching experience more special. The way Alif was directed also contributed a lot in its success because a script like Alif deserved a unique and very different kind of execution. All the actors succeeded in giving one of the best performances of their entire career and this is the reason, the audience were able to connect with the characters and their journeys a lot more.
Alif ended at such a time when the viewers were not expecting it to end so soon, but these days when a lot of dramas get ruined due to being prolonged unnecessarily, Haseeb Hassan made the right decision to keep it short and sweet. Alif taught the viewers many lessons along the journey and they couldn’t help recall all that they learnt from Alif. Usually when a drama ends, there are two different opinions where some are happy with the ending and some are not, however when it comes to Alif, each and every viewer feels satisfied with the end and finds it to be a perfect way to give closure to all the tracks.
Hamza Ali Abbasi and Manzar Sehbai also took it to twitter to thank the fans for loving their performances in Alif and what they felt being a part of this project:

Let’s take a look at the public reaction to Alif’s last episode:
The Message Viewers Are Taking With Them After Watching Alif
The Viewers Mentioned The Thought-Provoking Dialogues
General Consensus Showed People Shed A Lot of Tears
Viewers Appreciated The Writer, Director & Actors
Alif Inspired People To Do What They Wanted To
There Were Viewers Who Were Not Ready To Part With Alif
Alif Also Got Love From Across The Border
What are your thoughts about Alif? Are you satisfied with the ending? What are you taking away from this drama? Feel free to share your opinion in the comment section below.