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Faysal Quraishi Has A Message For Anti-Qurbani Crowd

Eid ul Adha 2024 is here and like always, sacrificial animals are brought by families and the animals are sacrificed in the name of Allah. The meat is then distributed among family, friends and especially the needy who cannot afford to eat meat everyday. This also teaches the lesson of sacrificing in the name of Allah and giving up jealousies, hate and injustice.

Faysal Quraishi Has A Message For Anti-Qurbani Crowd

In the last few years, many people have started questioning the tradition of qurbani. They give ideas about using the money for buying animals to buy water coolers which can be placed outside the house or give that money to someone to get their daughters wed. Many vegans are also keen on giving the idea of not sacrificing animals for Eid ul Adha.

Faysal Quraishi Has A Message For Anti-Qurbani Crowd

Faysal Quraishi has a message for the anti-qurbani crowd. He said that all these people need to study religion and know about the importance of sacrificing. He added that instead of proposing using sacrifice money for charity, these people can use the money that they spend on lavish weddings or independence day celebrations for charity.

Faysal Quraishi Has A Message For Anti-Qurbani Crowd

Here is what Faysal Quraishi had to say:


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