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Frequently Asked Questions About Anxiety

There are many people who find some symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder confusing. They are constantly looking for answers to the questions that intrigue them but all of these answers are not available on the internet with clarity and precision. We have made a compilation of the most frequently asked questions about anxiety and have answered them with utmost clarity. These answers are based on the observations made by experts and also the experiences shared by people who have anxiety disorders.

Here are all the frequently asked questions about anxiety with the answers.



How to lower heart rate anxiety?

You may feel that your heart is racing; fluttering in your chest and this might be accompanied by pain or tightness in the chest. It can feel like you are having a heart attack but this could be due to anxiety. Anxiety can affect your brain which controls your heart functions just like all the other functions of the body. Deep breathing exercises can help lowering heart rate due to anxiety. The most common and effective deep breathing exercise is sitting in a relaxed manner, breathing in from the nose, and exhaling through the mouth. Regular physical exercise and meditation also help with anxiety-related heart rate issues. Consulting a professional is recommended if you are facing such symptoms frequently.

How to slow down your heart rate from anxiety?

When faced with a speeding heart rate due to anxiety or nervousness, mindfulness can help. Acknowledging and accepting what you are going through is the first step. Breathing exercises can also help lower racing heart rate due to anxiety. Meditation and Yoga have helped many individuals facing similar conditions. The most important step towards leading a healthier life is to consult a professional and get treatment for anxiety. Many people facing such issues manage to control anxiety and resulting symptoms considerably by involving themselves in physical exercises. A simple exercise such as jogging which tires you will help curb anxiety and the symptoms that come with it. Taking long relaxing baths can also help.

Can anxiety cause sore throat and earache?

Yes, anxiety can result in a sore throat and even a pain in your ear which feels more like a tense pressure within the ear walls. The reason for this is that when you are anxious certain hormones are released by your body. These hormones can affect your breathing which can in turn lead to a tight or sore throat. If you are feeling this lump or sore in your throat due to anxiety, it should automatically get better once you are no longer anxious. You might feel more pressure in your ear when you are going through a difficult phase of anxiety. Ears also ‘pop’ more often when you are anxious. The ear-popping can vary depending on the degree of anxiety.

Can anxiety make your temperature go up?

Psychogenic fever can be a result of chronic stress or anxiety. The body temperature can go up mildly due to anxiety or it can be really high as well. One of the signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack include the body temperature going up to the extent that you feel as if you are burning. However, whenever you feel that your temperature is not going down or is persistently up, be sure to see a doctor who can assess if there is any other reason for this. If this temperature rise is even due to anxiety, get it treated.

Can anxiety raise your heart rate?

Increased heart rate or palpitations is a common symptom of anxiety. Although anxiety is a response related to the brain it also affects the heart rate. Many people feel tightness in the chest, a high heart rate, and palpitations when they are anxious or even nervous. If the rise in the heart rate is not often and subsides then there is nothing to worry about. If it continues then it can be a cause of worry. There can however be several other reasons for rapid heart rate which can easily be treated. See your doctor and get yourself diagnosed in order to get the right treatment.

Can stress and anxiety make you sick?

Yes, constant stress and anxiety can make you sick if not treated or curbed through exercises or other methods. Stress and anxiety can weaken your immune system which makes you more prone to catching different diseases. Some common symptoms of stress and anxiety are nausea, constipation, and upset stomach. It can also lead to frequent infections and colds due to low immunity. Constant anxiety can also result in certain skin problems and hair loss. Your body’s ability to regulate inflammatory conditions is affected due to constant stress which leads to making you more vulnerable to catching certain diseases.

Pressure in bridge of nose anxiety

Anxiety can affect your nose in more ways than one. People might find themselves feeling an irritation in the nose when they are anxious. They might find themselves rubbing their nose often during such a period of anxiety. This can also lead to nose acne. Anxiety can lead to tingling sensations in the nose and in some cases even nose bleeds. Feeling pressure on the bridge of the nose can also be due to the tension in the muscles as a result of anxiety. However, there can be many different reasons for nose-related issues therefore it is always a good idea to see a professional if the pressure is constant.

What is given for anxiety during labor?

The doctors usually try to keep anxiety in check during the pregnancy so that these levels do not go up during labor. It is really important, to be honest with your doctor about your fears and concerns. During the labor, the doctors usually prefer not giving any medication for anxiety but if your doctor feels the need to do so they might start giving you something to help curb your anxiety beforehand. Usually, a good support system and an understanding team of professionals at the time of giving birth can do wonders for your anxiety. Therapy during pregnancy can also help greatly because most often it is not good to take medicine for anxiety during pregnancy.

Why do I have anxiety when I wake up?

Feeling anxious in the morning is normal for most people. If you have been feeling extreme anxiety for more than six months every time you wake up in the morning then you have an anxiety disorder and you need to see a professional. The reason for anxiety early in the morning is that the ‘stress hormone’ is at its peak in the morning. Most people who do not have Generalized Anxiety Disorder can deal with the morning stress adequately but people who have the disorder find it impossible to deal with it without facing a lot of problems. Some people might find it difficult to fully wake up and get on with the day due to increased anxiety. The reason for this can be an unhealthy lifestyle, too many negative thoughts, and a lack of proper sleeping patterns.

Why is my anxiety so bad in the morning?

Most of the people do not consider themselves a ‘morning person’ since they find it difficult to start the day. There are many others who wake up worried about what lies ahead. There is a stress hormone in our body known as Cortisol which is released intensively in the morning for about 45 minutes after we wake up. Therefore, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and anxious in the morning. However, if you feel that you simply cannot cope and feel extreme anxiety every single morning which also lingers on during the day then you need to see a professional. You might have an anxiety disorder that can be curbed with certain breathing exercises and even medication if necessary.

Anxiety feels like I can’t breathe

You might get really worried when you feel like you have difficulty breathing sometimes. The fact is that shortness of breath is a common symptom of anxiety. Since anxiety often is a response to fearful situations, the resulting symptoms such as trouble breathing are related to it. If you feel a choking sensation and have a dry mouth then these can also be symptoms of a panic attack. This is due to the stress hormones which are released in your body as a result of anxiety. There are many different ways to deal with panic attacks therefore seeing a professional can help. Certain breathing exercises also help a lot with such breathing problems. Sitting down and sometimes distracting yourself can also be helpful.

Anxiety when trying to fall asleep

Most people feel that their anxiety increases when they lie down to sleep at night. The reason for this is that there are no distractions at night time therefore we are more ‘attentive’ to our thoughts. Such intrusive thoughts can also wake a person up in the middle of the night and keeps them from falling asleep. Such sleep patterns can affect the quality of life. Experts suggest that using certain essential oils before bed can be beneficial in helping to fall asleep. If you are in bed and cannot sleep, it is better to leave the bed and do something that might tire you mentally or physically. The longer you stay in bed thinking about things, the more anxious you will get.

Best dogs for people with anxiety

Dogs can help people with anxiety in many different ways. They can calm a person down, they can also tell when a person might get an anxiety attack, and most importantly they can get help if needed. These dogs can also fetch medication when trained to do so. Spending time outdoors with such dogs can provide people with anxiety disorders with much needed physical activity. These dogs are called service dogs and some of the best dog breeds for people with anxiety are – German shepherds, Boxers, golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, poodles, and huskies. In order to get a service dog, first people with anxiety disorders must get permission from a professional.

Can anxiety cause low oxygen levels?

Extreme and constant anxiety can cause panic attacks. Apart from many other symptoms, one of the first is hyperventilating. This means that you will start breathing rapidly in and out. This abrupt and rapid breathing affects the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body. That is the reason why some experts believe that the oxygen levels actually go up and that is why it is difficult for the patient to manage their breathing. The best way to deal with such an attack is to give the patient a paper bag to breathe in and to help them slow their breathing down. During a panic attack, the oxygen levels do not go down but actually, there is an inadequate level of carbon dioxide in the blood.

Can anxiety cause nausea and dizziness?

Yes, anxiety can cause nausea and dizziness. When we are anxious or stressed out different hormones come into action within our body and they have different effects. You must have felt that when you are even temporarily stressed out about something, you instantly feel pain or pressure in your stomach. Anxiety affects our bowel movement and also the digestive system as a whole. That is the reason why we feel nauseous and find it difficult to enjoy our food when we are anxious. Sometimes extreme anxiety can also result in vomiting. Dizziness is also a common symptom of anxiety, more because it is a fear response in many. Extreme dizziness in anxiety is often managed with medication.

Can anxiety cause pain between shoulder blades?

Emotional anxiety in particular can cause pain between shoulder blades. It is another one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. The reason for this is that the neck and the shoulder muscles become stiff due to stress or anxiety. Sometimes this pain can be temporary but at other times it can be a permanent feature. It can range from soreness to extreme pain. Getting a massage, using a heating pad and certain yoga positions can help with this pain. This condition should not be left untreated because it can get worse with time.

Can anxiety cause sharp chest pain?

Anxiety can definitely make a person feel like there is tightness in their chest and at other times it can take the form of extreme chest pain. This pain is most often muscular. In some people, this pain gets intense gradually, while in others it can be a sharp pain, to begin with. Some people with anxiety wake up with sharp chest pain. If the chest pain is brought on after a person has been doing extensive work then it is not anxiety-related. If you feel this pain when you are sitting or lying down then it is anxiety related.

Can anxiety cause tingling in hands?

Tingling and Numbness of hands are common in anxiety especially when it is left unaddressed for long. This tingling or numbing might feel like needles pricking. This tingling sensation may be in other parts of the body other than the hands. Another cause for this tingling can also be a vitamin deficiency or even dehydration. See your healthcare provider if the tingling sensation doesn’t go away. There can be other reasons for this sensation besides anxiety. And if it is because of anxiety then a professional will help you with it. Many people experience such tingling in hands and feet both, some people even feel it on their scalp.

Can anxiety lead to heart attack?

Many people are frightened when they feel tightness and pain in their chest due to anxiety. They often feel that they might be having a heart attack especially because such pain is most often accompanied by muscular pain. The fact is that there are certain symptoms of anxiety that might lead to a sudden cardiac arrest in extreme cases. Anxiety and constant stress can cause high blood pressure which can be the reason for possible heart disease. Stress and anxiety do affect the heart function in some cases therefore if you feel that you cannot control your anxiety, seek professional help.

Can anxiety make you feel short of breath?

Yes, anxiety can make you breathless and it can also make your breathing heavy. In fact, hyperventilating is one of the primary symptoms of a panic attack which is caused by extreme anxiety. There are many causes for shortness of breath therefore if you are facing this health problem, it is vital that you get help and a proper diagnosis for it. It depends on the intensity of the condition and the situation in which you feel that you are short of breath, based on these the health professionals can make a calculated diagnosis. If the shortness of breath is due to anxiety, it is not difficult to manage with help from the experts.

Can anxiety make you have diarrhea?

Anxiety can affect your digestive system; it can give you a stomach ache and even diarrhea. It is really common for people to get an upset stomach when they are overly anxious especially when they do not get enough sleep. The scientific explanation for this is that when a person is under stress, the body releases certain hormones that enter the digestive system and disrupt its function. Some people also feel nauseous when they are anxious and they find it difficult to eat for days. Some people can have anxiety-related diarrhea for days and even weeks.

Can anxiety make your body hurt?

Anxiety and stress make your muscles stressed and painful. Over the years the doctors have learned that many of the bodily pains are directly related to anxiety and depression. Experts also believe that when you have anxiety, the effect of the pain you have multiplies because when you have anxiety your pain threshold is also compromised. Coping strategies and anxiety medication should help with these body pains. You will be more aware of the pain and it will be difficult to cope with under severe anxiety. Nowadays, the doctors take body hurt due to anxiety more seriously than ever therefore going to a professional would certainly help with your anxiety and body pains.

Can’t eat because of anxiety

Many people who are suffering from anxiety have this complaint. The most common reason for not being able to eat is ever-present nausea and the fear of throwing up. The blood circulates in a different direction when we are overly anxious, this is due to the flight or fight response of the body. The blood flows away from your stomach or gut and that is what results in nausea. When you are already anxious, you are scared to eat and do not even feel like eating with nausea. Many people go without food for weeks when they feel this way. When their anxiety goes away, they get back to their normal eating habits.

Can you have anxiety in your sleep?

Yes, there are so many people struggling with going to sleep and even waking up in the middle of the night and worrying about different things. Even when we are asleep our brain is still working at some level. Therefore if you already have anxiety, your brain gets busy thinking and worrying the second you are slightly awake from your sleep. While most people find it easier to go back to sleep, someone who has anxiety will have a really difficult time dodging these thoughts and going back to sleep. Also, if you are constantly worrying about something, you might get nightmares and that will also disrupt your sleep.

Can you have anxiety without feeling anxious?

Sometimes, we might think that certain habits or behaviors are not causing anxiety because that is how we have been living our lives but actually these behavior patterns add to our anxiety and cause it. You cannot have anxiety without feeling anxious. You might feel that you are not anxious because you are not aware of the things around you or within you that make you anxious. There are many people who suffer from anxiety but they do not find out about it until it starts showing in physical form. You might be an anxious person but you are probably not aware of it.

Do you have to be diagnosed with anxiety?

Yes, you need a proper diagnosis so that it can be assessed what kind of treatment you require for the disorder. If anxiety goes unaddressed it can affect your life in many ways therefore it is important to get a proper diagnosis. Anxiety disorders can vary and there is a proper assessment procedure that is used to determine what kind of a disorder you have. These assessments will help the professionals figure out whether you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or/and Manic Depressive Disorder (MDD). The diagnosis will definitely help you lead a better life by getting whatever problems you have treated properly.

Does anxiety cause high heart rate?

Anxiety can cause your heart to beat really fast. The reason for this is that when a person is feeling really anxious then their body has the same response as fight and flight response. Your body thinks it is in danger and as a result, there is a strain on the heart due to increased oxygen levels in the body. You might feel tightness in your chest, your heart pounding so hard that you can feel it beating in your chest and your ears, some people even feel pain in their left arm because of which they are often really sure that they are having a heart attack.

Does anxiety make you lose your appetite?

The hormones released within the body due to anxiety affect the stomach as well. Anxiety also affects your blood circulation which results in making you feel nauseous. This is the reason why many people lose their appetite. Another reason for the loss of appetite is the fear that you might not be able to swallow your food due to the dryness in your throat caused by anxiety. This fear causes even more anxiety which is directly associated with food and as a result, many people lose their appetite completely for weeks or even months when they are anxious. Some people suffering from anxiety disorders even find it difficult or disturbing to chew their food which is why they cannot eat even when they feel hungry.

Does anxiety medicine make you gain weight?

Most experts believe that anxiety medicines contribute to weight gain. Some people gained even as much as 10 kg within months of taking these medicines. Another reason why people gain more weight when they are taking the medicine is that their symptoms subside, they feel better and then they start eating more. Some of the anxiety medications which make you gain the most weight are the ones containing the following; mirtazapine, amitriptyline, paroxetine, escitalopram, and sertraline. If you are worried about gaining weight but need medication for your anxiety, your doctor can tell you some healthy lifestyle changes which will be helpful.

Does drinking water help with anxiety?

There is a good reason why our elders used to give us water when we were crying or felt overwhelmed. Water indeed has calming properties and the act of pausing and taking some sips can have a soothing effect as well. Drinking more water also provides much-needed hydration which has unlimited benefits. Some of the recent researches even proved that drinking enough plain water decreases the risk of depression and anxiety. The dizziness, headache, muscle fatigue, nausea, and even increased heart rate associated with anxiety improve when a person drinks water. There are people who are managing their anxiety by staying hydrated.

How do you know if you have separation anxiety?

You have separation anxiety if you are constantly afraid of being separated from someone you love; it can even be a pet. Some people believe that only children have separation anxiety but that is not true because even adults can face this anxiety. If you feel nauseous, get headaches, or a dry throat when you have these thoughts or are actually being separated from someone then you have separation anxiety. If you excessively worry that if you leave someone alone they will be harmed then that is another symptom. Separation anxiety also shows itself as a fear of being left alone. If you are constantly wondering where someone is then that can also be a symptom of separation anxiety. If you are getting nightmares surrounding these fears then that is another way of knowing that you have separation anxiety.

How long does separation anxiety last in babies?

Separation anxiety in babies usually starts when they are 6 months old because that is when they start having a sense of object permanence. This anxiety starts getting more acute when a baby is 9 months or older. Separation anxiety in babies can last up to 3 weeks depending on how the parents respond. Some babies take less than 3 weeks. There are many ways through which parents can help the babies adjust to the new routine. Getting the baby gradually used to the changes in routine usually leads to easier adjustments in the long run.

How to be there for someone with anxiety?

A person suffering from an anxiety disorder is in a state of a constant worry. Asking the person who you want to help is always the best way since different people have different needs. Otherwise, you might be doing something which you think will help them but it might make things worse for them. One of the best ways to help someone with anxiety is to just to sit by their side and listen to what they have to say. There are also those people who do not like to talk about their issues therefore being by their side even when they do not want to talk can sometimes do wonders.

Is shaking a sign of anxiety?

When you are overly anxious, your body goes into a fight or flight mode which can result in shaking. Feeling a trembling sensation, even twitches, and even extreme trembling is a common symptom in people diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Sometimes these tremors can be worrisome but they go away as the anxiety is suppressed. These tremors are called psychogenic tremors. Shaking is a sign of panic or anxiety attack. Sometimes people with anxiety might wake up in the middle of the night shaking uncontrollably and they can go back to being perfectly fine in minutes. Yoga, meditation, and practicing mindfulness helps with such symptoms of anxiety.

Living with depression and anxiety quotes

“I have depression but I prefer to say that I battle depression because depression hits but I hit back.”
“Depression is being colorblind and being constantly told how colorful the world is.”
“The girl who laughs a lot and talks a lot and seems very happy may also be crying herself to sleep.”
“I don’t think people understand how stressful it is to explain what’s going on in your head when you don’t even understand it yourself.”
“Today I escaped anxiety or no, I discarded it because it was within me, in my own perceptions, not outside.”
“Interrupt anxiety with gratitude.”

Relationship anxiety or not in love?

In order to figure out on your own whether you have relationship anxiety or you are simply not in love, you have to go back to your childhood. If you were raised in a house where feeling natural emotions such as anger, sadness, or even happiness were not recognized then you probably have relationship anxiety. If your parents never gave priority to what you needed or wanted as a child then you grow up to be an insecure individual who is either afraid of getting attached or you get overly attached. In order to find out what relationship anxiety is you need to read about attachment style. Once you figure that out, either seek help from a professional or if you are strong enough then face your fears. You need to figure out what your attachment style is to know whether you are in love or not or is it your relationship anxiety taking you away from your soul-mate.

Relaxation anxiety reduction techniques are usually classified as

Relaxation anxiety reduction techniques are usually classified as somatic and cognitive. These techniques are taught to individuals with anxiety disorders so that they can use them to help with the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety. They can involve visualization, relaxation, imagery, and mediation. Diaphragmatic breathing is another anxiety reduction technique which has long term effects. These techniques if followed through can have the best results and do not have any side effects. Practicing daily is a prerequisite and obviously, it all depends on the person’s own will and how motivated they are to follow through.

Shortness of breath anxiety at night

Anxiety can cause shortness of breath at night because when you are anxious, the blood flow and oxygen levels in your body get affected. It can happen during the day and at night. There are many people with anxiety disorders who experience shortness of breath at night time because their anxiety levels peak at night time. There can however be many other reasons for shortness of breath therefore if it is persistent then it is really important to seek help from a doctor. He will help you in figuring out what the actual cause is and suggest a treatment.

What it’s like having anxiety

Feeling anxious temporarily before an interview, a date, some important event, doctor’s appointment or any other situation such as this one is a form of anxiety everyone experiences. Getting a temporary stomach ache or headache because you feel anxious is also normal. However, people who have anxiety disorders find it difficult to deal with the neverending thoughts in their mind and cannot even deal with daily affairs as other people can. Their anxiety also comes with certain extreme symptoms such as palpitations, shaking, sweating excessively, feeling too hot or too cold, difficulty falling asleep, and feeling nauseous. Having anxiety can be really tough because it is really difficult to make people who do not have anxiety understand what you are going through.

When does anxiety become a disorder?

Feeling anxious in a stressful situation is normal therefore it is important to know the difference between everyday anxiety which will come and go and anxiety which needs diagnosis and treatment. Anxiety becomes a disorder when it starts affecting the quality of your life. If the worrying thoughts are persistent and ever-present so much so that they start affecting your sleep and physical health then you definitely need to be diagnosed. If you feel that you cannot cope with day to day activities due to your anxiety and it is also affecting your sleep then you need proper treatment for the disorder.

How to fix separation anxiety in puppies?

It is normal for puppies to feel separation anxiety. They get anxious when you leave them and might stay anxious till the time you get back. It can be difficult leaving your puppy knowing that he will be anxious until you are back. Anyone who owns a puppy would know that laying down the rules right in the beginning and training the puppy how to adjust to changes is really important. Teaching them how to deal with separation anxiety is also part of the training. Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning plays a vital role in training your puppy how to get used to these periods of separation. Exercise also helps the puppies deal with separation anxiety. Make your puppy more independent and give them their own space even when you are around. When they are used to being on their own, they are less likely to be stressed out when you are not around.

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.

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