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Haroon Gul’s Heroic Tale Of Transformation

We always look up to big stars. We always wish to  know everything they are doing; their personal life, their outfits and their struggles. It basically gives us more courage when we hear big names talk of their struggles, it gives a hope that nothing is impossible and we all can overcome problems in life and come out winners.

Haroon Gul's Heroic Tale Of Transformation

Haroon Gul maybe not be a superstar just as yet but his story of going through a tragic accident and getting back to normal after horrifying surgeries is sure a heroic tale. He recently shared his story saying,” Life is precious. I came to know that when i went for my bone grafting surgery after a severe #accident in 2014. I had gained more weight and was at #290poundsAs soon as I got better, I went for the second surgery with a 4-month rest where I got the plates removed from my shoulder, and it was painful. I still see my mother’s #tears when I recall that moment in which I was dependent again. I was told to avoid gym if I want to keep my arm.”

Haroon Gul's Heroic Tale Of Transformation

He continued,”I hated every second in bed just eating and lying down! I made up my mind that when I get out of bed, I will be in a better state. I started walking again 2 miles daily! I believe in the law of attraction and positive energies that actually gave me the will to achieve my goal and got me where I am today. Otherwise, it was impossible. During this situation, I went through a stressful breakup. I cannot forget that night where I was in a state of depression. Eventually, the #LawofAttraction helped me alot in achieving my goals. My #mother was a symbol of hope. She used to go on walks with me and kept me motivated.I can’t forget her words…”I know the odds are against you, but if there’s a way to win….you’re gonna find it!” So the bottom line is, if I can do it…anyone can!

Haroon Gul's Heroic Tale Of Transformation

His story is ultimate Monday motivation we needed.

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