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Here’s How Sadaf Kanwal Manages To Look Beautiful Everytime

Sadaf Kanwal is a supermodel who completely lives up to her title. She is gorgeous but that’s not what she has always been. She was an ordinary looking girl who has groomed her self that if we label her the most beautiful woman in Pakistan, it wont’t be wrong. She has also been in films. After all, why not flaunt your beauty on big screen. What else is it for? But ever wondered how does she manage to look so beautiful all the time?

We will tell you. Don’t worry. She was asked what does she do for the natural glowing skin. She replied, “As far as my skin care regime is concerned, when I am not shooting I try to avoid makeup, allowing my skin to breathe and I rely on a lot of home remedies,” Sadaf shared. “I am a very desi kind of a person. So the one thing that I swear by is applying organic coconut oil to my face at night after removing my makeup. It not only cleanses the skin but gives a very glowy look the next day. I also firmly believe that your skin reflects what you eat so I try to eat healthy and include lots of fruits and vegetables in my diet. I make sure to keep myself hydrated throughout the day and most importantly, I never skip my moisturizer and always keep a lip balm handy.”

She also gave some make up tips saying, “I have learnt a lot from makeup artists backstage, but one tip is how to make your highlighter pop. All you have to do is spray the brush with makeup fixer first and then apply highlighter. Another makeup tip is to never put concealer or foundation on your eyelids before putting on eye shadows as it will crease your eye makeup.”

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