How Will Hassan Ahmed React If Kids Followed Christianity

Sunita Marhall and Hassan Ahmed make a beautiful inter-faith couple. They have always been open about how they navigated the religions for their children and their children have grown up as Muslims. They are parents to two kids and they are teaching them tolerance, unity and the importance of respecting all religions of the world.

How Will Hassan Ahmed React If Kids Followed Christianity

The couple were guests on Masarrat Misbah’s show and talked about raising kids in an inter-faith household. Hassan said that most of us follow a religion because we are born into it. We neither study it nor try to find out what is right and what is wrong. He said that if you are following something because of your ancestors than it is not a good thing. You should educate yourself first and then make a decision.

How Will Hassan Ahmed React If Kids Followed Christianity

Here is what he said:

He also spoke about how he will react if his kids want to follow Christianity. He said that he never thinks that way but if something like that ever happens, he will speak to the child, make them reason and ask for their interpretations and reasons. He will not go breathing fire and will ask questions that why would they want to follow a different religion. He added that his daughter is very logical and she always takes these things into consideration.

How Will Hassan Ahmed React If Kids Followed Christianity

This is what he said:

He also shaed that he was also that Muslim that we see in society here everyday who has accumulated a lot of aggression. He is still very much about the importance of Islam but marrying a woman who was from a different religion was probably Allah’s way so he can get rid of the aggression and intolerance that he had in him.

How Will Hassan Ahmed React If Kids Followed Christianity

This is what he explained beautifully:

Pakeeza Dar