Aapa Shameem is an upcoming ARY Digital drama serial which will replace Baby Baji ki Bahuwain. The drama is Big Bang Entertainment’s production. The drama has been written by Asma Sayani and directed by Zeeshan Ali Zaidi. The cast features Faiza Hassan, Zoha Touqeer, Maham Aamir, Sajjad Pal, Munawar Saeed, Rahat Ghani, Ahmad Randhawa, Saleem Sheikh, Fahad Sheikh, Rashid Farooqui and others.
Recently, drama serial Aapa Shameem’s cast members made an appearance in ARY Digital’s morning show, hosted by Nida Yasir. In the show, the cast talked about their upcoming drama serial.
To the host’s question, “Is Aapa Shameem part 2 of the hit project Nand? , Faiza Hassan replied, “You and the fans are feeling like this because our team is the same; the production house and the director are the same, but the cast and the writer are different. In Nand, both sisters-in-law were household ladies, but in Aapa Shameem it is more about professional rivalries, and the main conflict is purely based on our profession, so it is different”. Here is the link to the video: