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Karbala – Political And Moral Lessons For The World

The Battle of Karbala and the Shahadat of Hazrat Imam Hussain RA, the grandson of Holy Prophet SAW changed the course of history and it is an event all Muslims mourn every year since. The Battle of Karbala is not just an event we mourn but it also serves as a lesson for each and every Muslim on how to conduct yourself when there is tyranny and Allah’s Deen is being defied. There is a Yazeed in every era and the spirit of Hussain is always the answer. Hazrat Imam Hussain RA and his companions taught us that truth is always the victor even if evil cuts you off.

Karbala - Political And Moral Lessons For The World

The Battle of Karbala and the sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussain RA will teach us lessons for eras to come. Today with what is happening in Gaza, in Somalia, in Syria, in Pakistan and to Muslims in countless countries serves us a reminder that Yazeediyat is still alive and Imam Hussain RA imparted us lessons on how to deal with it even though it is more powerful, wealthy and influential than us in this world.

Political Lessons From Karbala


Karbala - Political And Moral Lessons For The World

Many in the world today are seen saying the famous quote “I am not into politics”. The quote is meant to save them from looking for answers that will cause them pain and will make them speak the truth against the tyrant with all the power and money. The Battle of Karbala also stems from a similar situation. After Muslims were conquering the world, Yazeed and his compatriots started forgetting the Islamic lessons and started copying the style of other empires. This is when Hazrat Imam Hussain RA was called as the Custodian of Islam and he fought till his last breath to protect the real essence of Islam.

Karbala - Political And Moral Lessons For The World

Hazrat Imam Hussain RA taught the world a very important lesson through his sacrifice. No one can remain aloof of the politics of the nation. One needs to stand up for what is right and go to the last extent to be on the right side. Hazrat Imam Hussain RA could have remained apolitical and he may have remained in Madinah but he chose to stand up for the right and spoke truth in the face of a tyrant ruler. A very important lesson for the populace of all Muslim countries today.

Moral Lessons From Karbala

The 72 martyrs of the Battle of Karbala came from the House of Prophet Muhammad SAW and they showed dignity and morality that will never be matched by anyone else. Many lessons of morality were taught to us by Shuhada e Karbala. The lesson of Isaar was taught to us by Hazrat Abbas RA, the man who went to get the water from River Euphrates in order to quench the thirst of the children. He knew the dangers of the deed but still went as helping the ones in need was more important.

Karbala - Political And Moral Lessons For The World

Hazrat Imam Hussain RA taught us the importance of patience in the face of adversity. The man who lost his children, his brothers, his nephews, his most beloved daughter, who knew death was imminent and he still preached for patience. He taught his companions that patience is a must and his patience stands tall till today.

Karbala - Political And Moral Lessons For The World

The importance of Hijab in such dire conditions was also taught to us by the participants of Karbala. Hazrat Zain ul Abideen and Hazrat Bibi Zainab RA showed us how important Hijab is when they showcased the importance of chastity in the Darbar of Yazeed in Damascus. This importance of Hijab is what we are observing nowadays live in Palestine where Muslimahs protect their Deen far better than us while being in an active war zone.

Freedom Of Choice

Many of us are witnessing a disturbing trend of silence and turning away heads just because what a weak person could do in the face of a powerful enemy. We also see this trend a lot in Pakistan where in any department, the aggrieved are turned away by citing orders from above. But Hur Ibn Yazid Al Riyahi taught us that you always have the freedom of choice. He, a general of Yazid’s army, turned against his master and supported Hazrat Imam Hussain RA. He chose the path of righteousness even when he knew it would lead to death. This is a lesson to all of us that you can always stand by the right, however dire the circumstances are.

Karbala - Political And Moral Lessons For The World

Power Of Women

Women are systematically targeted all over the world. They are being violated during wars and some of the biggest militaries of the world use the worst ever torture tactics on them. Violence against women is also rampant in Pakistan and we seen how there is a large segment on social media who is always belittling the struggles women go through and keep indulging in petty fights about their pains. But a woman is so strong and such a rock that a single woman Hazrat Zainab RA is responsible that we know what happened during those days in Karbala. She is the historian and she became the voice of the voiceless. She narrated the horrors endured by Prophet Muhammad SAW’s family and the bravery they showcased. She narrated the disgust of Yazeed’s army and she kept Hazrat Imam Zain ul Abideen safe after they were taken from Karbala to Damascus.

Karbala - Political And Moral Lessons For The World

A woman of substance and empowerment, Hazrat Bibi Zainab RA will always remain a mentor for women out there to stand for what is right and use their voice if they cannot use their fists to make a difference.

In conclusion, the Battle of Karbala did not end that day. Hussainiyat and Yazidiyat have become concepts that are alive and can be pursued. It is upon you to decide which side you stand on. There will be both sides in your country, your region and even your own home. Choose Husainiyat as Hussain did because even with all the weapons and the military might, the right side of history always wins!

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