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Khaie’s Mahenur Haider Opens About Her Divorce

Khaie is a drama where all the actors and actresses are getting a lot of appreciation and love from the audience. The suspense and action in the drama has hooked millions. Another track which everyone looks forward to is the love between Apanna and Barlas Khan. Apanna played by Mahenur Haider is sweet and she is a positive character in a very entitled house. Mahenur Haider was a guest on where she talked about her real life divorce and her advice to others going through difficulties in their marriages.

Khaie's Mahenur Haider Opens About Her Divorce

Mahenur revealed that she got married when she was just 22 years old. She was very young. The couple separated four years ago and her parents especially her father were very supportive of her. Mahenur said that a supportive family is one of the biggest blessings for a girl which she had and she also had a career to fall back on.

Khaie's Mahenur Haider Opens About Her Divorce

She also shared that many people ask her if they should get out of a marriage if it is toxic but she never advises them to as everyone’s circumstances could be different. She added that she never speaks badly about her ex as sometimes even good people cannot get along.

Khaie's Mahenur Haider Opens About Her Divorce

This is what she shared:

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