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Kithey Nain Na Joreen, A tribute to ReshmaN (ریشماں)

Late ReshmaaN (ریشماں) famous as the nightingale of desert is a legendary voice of our country. To pay tribute to ReshmaaN, Alee Sethi (son of Najam Sethi) is producing a video based on the famous song Kithay Nain Na Joreeen. The video will feature Sarmad Khoosat, Sania Saeed, Adnan Siddiqui, Mira Sethi, Alee’ Hassan, Fahad Hussayn, Mehrunnisa Khan, Saim Sadiq , Saad Sultan and Hira Nabi. Here are behind the scene clicks and video from this upcoming tribute.

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Rashid Nazir Ali

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