Tamasha is a popular Pakistani reality show which was launched by ARY Digital in 2022. The format of the show was inspired by Big Brother and Big Boss. The Pakistani version of the show got popular amongst the viewers and the channel acquired the rights from the the Big Brother franchise as well. Viewers are still loving the show and its viewership is it increasing gradually. The show also boasts actors’ career. This year, the season of Tamasha is bigger and better with around 18 contestants. A few contestants have been eliminated but the others are going strong in Tamasha house.
Lately, a clip from Tamasha is doing rounds on social media in which the female Tamasha contestants indulged into an ugly fight during their game. In the game, the contestants Mahi Baloch and Humna Naeem attacked Anam Tanveer. Mahi also pushed Anam Tanveer. Mani Liaquat also came to protect Anam Tanveer. Anam Tanveer started crying too. Have a look at the video link from Tamasha episode:
Well, Tamasha fans enjoyed the game and also gave their opinions about Mahi Baloch, Anam Tanveer and Humna Naeem’s fight. Most were of the view that Humna and Mahi attacked Anam Tanveer and were constantly after her during the game. Fans want Badshah to take a strong action against Humna and Mahi. A few are also saying that Anam did scratch their face multiple times and is now becoming innocent. Many liked Mani’s gesture of taking stand for Anam Tanveer. Here are the comments: