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Maulana Tariq Jamil’s Son Tragically Passes Away

In a recent tragic incident, Maulana Tariq Jamil’s son, Asim Jamil, lost his life. The incident occurred in Talamba, Punjab. The news was shared by various news channels. According to the details, the dead body has been shifted to the hospital in Talamba. The twitter has been trending with the tragic news. Maulana Tariq Jamil’s fans are quite sad on the incident.

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

According to Maulana Tariq Jamil’s elder son Yousaf Jamil, his younger brother Asim Jamil was a depression patient, however, he died of an accidental gun shot.

In the video message Yousaf Jamil said, “Today, my younger brother Asim Jamil passed away. It is a very sad day for us, I am recording this video in great pain. My younger brother Asim was suffering from depression since his childhood. The past six months were quite difficult for him, he was in pain, he was being given the electric shocks (Electroconvulsive Therapy) for the treatment purpose, but no efforts could save his life. Today, unfortunately, he was alone in the house when the incident (of accidental gun-shot) happened. There is no other reason behind his death. I had to come to the media to address this because of the hearsays about his death. We are in extreme grief and pain, please pray for us”.

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil also shared the tragic news on his official Twitter account. He wrote, “today, in Talamba, my son passed away in a tragedy, his death has made us sad, I request you to remember my son in your prayers, may Allah bless him with higher ranks in Jannah”.

‏انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون”

آج تلمبہ میں میرے بیٹے عاصم جمیل کا انتقال ہوگیا ہے. اس حادثاتی موت نے ماحول کو سوگوار بنا دیا۔ آپ سب سے گزارش ہے کہ اس غم کے موقع پر ہمیں اپنی دعاؤں میں یاد رکھیں. “اللہ میرے فرزند کو جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے۔

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

An official statement from the Punjab police department stated that Maulana Tariq Jamil’s son took his own life:

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Read a few more posts:

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Pakistani celebrities are extending their heartfelt condolences to Maulana Tariq Jamil and his family:

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

Maulana Tariq Jamil's Son Tragically Passes Away

My name is Sidra. I had been part of different websites and news agencies as well. I am a masters degree holder in Mass Communication, also interested in Media and news writing. An enthusiastic person with passion of writing and creative thinking. Novel writing is my hobby and passion .

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