Maya Khan is a brilliant Pakistani actress who recently appeared on Good Morning Pakistan, which is quite a popular ARY Digital morning show, hosted by famous Nida Yasir. GMP is watched on a larger scale. In the show, Nida often discusses life events and asks guests to provide solutions about dealing with the problems. Today, Nida Yasir invited three strong women from the media industry. Well, Ismat Zaidi, Maya Khan and Amber Khan were her guests.
In the show, the guests talked about the toughest time of their lives. The brilliant actor and host Maya Khan opened up about her father’s death when she was too young.
Talking about her father’s death, Maya Khan said, “My father passed away in Multan, and he’s buried in Multan. I was very young when my father passed away, and I was deeply grieved after his passing when my mother said to me, ‘You are not the only child whose father has passed away.’ I was shocked by her strength; I thought, what kind of a person is she? But yes, I admit that she was a very strong woman. I was just remembering yesterday that my mother was quite a tough person.”
Talking further about her father’s death, Maya Khan said, “The most traumatic thing was my father’s death; it was unacceptable for me to think about his death, especially when I had to write a letter to my father in school. I was so sad about it, but my mother said, ‘I am here, write a letter to me.’ I remember the time when our cousin informed me after my father’s death, to prepare myself for her death news, she said, ‘now his heart is functioning at only 20%’. I can recall people asking my mother to remove her gold bangles. It was me who requested my mother to stay the same as she was during my father’s life. For me, yes, my father’s death was the biggest traumatic experience of my life.”
See her mother and father’s pictures: