Mein is a drama that is solely revolving around Mubashira Jaffar and her aura. Yes, Ayeza Khan has nailed the look and the mannerisms of her character. She is doing a great job as MJ and fans are noticing it in each episode. Now that Zaid aka Wahaj Ali is married to Ayra aka Azekah Daniel, Mubashira is moving forward to snatch him back from his second wife. She has completely transformed herself and she looks like a different person than who we saw in the very first episode.
Ayeza Khan is rocking it and her new schemes are proving fruitful overall. Zaid is recognizing her sacrifices and all she has done for him. Her father making her the owner of all the shares in Zaid’s company put another dent in Ayra’s independence streak. She was able to irritate Ayra while keeping her cool.
The audience is loving Mubashira Jaffar and they all want to see her win in the end. Here is what they have to say: