Morning Shows Exposed | Part 2

Morning Shows are aired for number of reasons, the biggest reason for airing these shows should be to educate the masses but that is most certainly not the case in Pakistan. Another reason can be to entertain the Apart from promoting commercialism and materialism, these morning shows also make a fool out of the genera public in many ways. Many of these morning show hosts stage activities and present them like it is a scenario from real life. Without any shame or regret they promote such things and as a result people are losing all respect for them. In this video we will show you many such instances in which the phrase what you see is what you get was proven wrong by Nida Yasir, who heads one of the most watched morning shows on a leading channel. You will be shocked to see what’s going on in her show.


My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.