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Mufti Tariq Masood Criticizes Drama Culture

Pakistani people love watching dramas and currently Turkish dramas series Dirilis Ertugrul is breaking records in Pakistan.

Mufti Tariq Masood Criticizes Drama Culture

PM Imran Khan recommended his nation to watch this drama and learn Islamic history from it.

Mufti Tariq Masood Criticizes Drama Culture

However, well-known scholar Mufti Tariq Masood has made shocking claims about people who watch dramas.

He gave his opinion about people who watch dramas and said, “People want entertainment and we don’t have many positive things. By watching dramas no one has chosen the right path.”

These dramas have earned in billions but it has ruined our culture. People are taking a lot of interest in dramas and even they are crying after watching it.

Mufti Tariq Masood Criticizes Drama Culture

These all are time-wasting things so people who are taking interest in these dramas will get deprived of Jannat. Dramas and films are playing with your emotions and they are not of any use. These dramas are breaking families.”

He talked about Turkish dramas and said, “Tayyip Erdogan made dramas but at least he has a vision. He showed true Islamic history of Khilafat e Usmania.”

Mufti Tariq Masood Criticizes Drama Culture

Here is Mufti Tariq Masood’s clip:

Safina Jatoi is a content creator and editor at Reviewit. She loves to explore latest themes related to Pakistani Showbiz and Latest Happenings.

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