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Mulana Tariq Jamil Is Going To Start His Clothing Brand Soon

Mulana Tariq Jamil doesn’t need any introduction as he is a man with great heart that is full of Islamic teachings. He deliver lectures about Islam including Quranic quotes and Prophet’s sayings to improve public’s knowledge about their religion.

Mulana Tariq Jamil Is Going To Start His Clothing Brand Soon

Mulana Tariq Jamil travel to different countries to deliver his lectures and bring people more close to their creator, Allah. The way he talks, share incidents from Prophet’s life and add Quranic quotes makes his statements more effective. The famous Islamic scholar is soon going to start his own clothing line.

Mulana Tariq Jamil Is Going To Start His Clothing Brand Soon

MTJ, Mulana Tariq Jamil’s clothing brand will launch shalwar kameez and kurtas soon in Pakistan. The brand introduce itself as, “fashion retail brand strives to learn and exhibit the principles taught by Maulana and break the eroding stereotype”. The launching date is yet not confirmed.

Mulana Tariq Jamil Is Going To Start His Clothing Brand Soon

Let’s wait to hear more about Mulana Tariq Jamil’s clothing brand. Till then, share your thoughts about his decision with us in comments section below.

My name is Rahat Ghafoor. I have done Bachelor in Business Administration with Finance major. I am a housewife and working as a content writer for Review it.

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