Nadia Khan is a famous Pakistani actress and host who has appeared in numerous hit dramas including Bandhan, Dais Pardes, Kaisi Hai Tanhai, Kaisi Aurat Hoon Main, Dolly Darling and Kamzarf. Nadia Khan will soon be seen in Netflix’s Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo. She is currently making headlines for co-hosting a drama review show Kya Drama Hai. Nadia has been grabbing the spotlight for sharing her blunt and unfiltered opinions the dramas. Her recent statements for Barzakh and Mann Jogi weren’t appreciated by the fans.
Well, this time, Nadia Khan is all praise from the brilliant Pakistani host and actor Fahad Mustafa for his portrayal of Mustafa in Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum. Talking about Fahad Mustafa’s looks, Nadia Khan commented, “Fahad, let me tell you, girls from every age group are after you now. Trust me, you’re looking so handsome. Don’t go outside—they won’t leave you! All my friends are going gaga over you. One of them even said, ‘How handsome is he looking, Nadia? Please don’t go out; the girls will eat you up!”. Here is the link to the video:
Most social media users aren’t agreeing with Nadia Khan’s comments about Fahad Mustafa. They believe he’s looking good and acting well, but that doesn’t mean girls have fallen in love with him or will eat him up. Many were upset and said these comments crossed a line and these people should know where to stop because such thoughts seem quite disturbing to hear. A few social media users are of the view that girls today are very sensible and don’t fall for actors like that. One social media user wrote, ‘Is he Fahad Mustafa or Brad Pitt?’. Read the comments: