Nadia Khan is a brilliant Pakistani actress and host who has been currently co-hosting a drama review show Kya Drama Hai. She often makes headlines for sharing her unfiltered opinions about the dramas. A few days ago, her statement in Barzakh’s favour went viral on social media and fans criticized her views. The actress also talks about miscasting, continuity issues and story and direction flaws.
Nadia Khan has once again shared her unfiltered opinion about another heartthrob Pakistani actor Bilal Abbas Khan in Kya Drama Hai. Nadia Khan particularly shared her take on Bilal’s character in Mann Jogi.
Nadia Khan said, “Bilal Abbas Khan is a good performer, and I’m sure he gave his best in this drama, but the role didn’t suit him, especially in this episode. The other three actors, Goher Rasheed, Sabeena Farooq, and Asma Abbas, are well-fitted in their characters. They are impeccable, but Bilal Abbas is not convincing. He’s the weakest link in this drama. I’ll be honest if I find him good in the future, but he’s not as impressive as Goher. It is a challenging and complicated role, and I’m imagining a few names who would be more suitable for this character.”
Bilal Abbas Khan’s loyal fans are upset with Nadia Khan’s rude statement for him. Fans are supporting Bilal and are convinced with his acting and the choice of script. Many others criticized her acting as well and expressed that she always did over acting in the dramas. A social media user wrote, “Nadia Khan is so irritating”. Only a few agreed with her statement. Read all the comments: