Nadia Khan is a renowned Pakistani TV host and actor who has so far appeared in numerous hit TV dramas like Aaisi Hai Tanhai, Kamzarf, Bandhan, Kaisi Aurat Hoon Main, Des Pardes, Dolly Darling and others. She is recently co-hosting her drama review show Kya Drama Hai. Nadia Khan’s upcoming project is Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo for Netflix which is being produced by Hum TV.
Recently, Nadia Khan made an appearance in Good Morning Pakistan. In the show, she gave a useful financial advice to young struggling couples.
Nadia Khan said, “It depends on your wisdom, approach, and state of mind. I believe that ultimate happiness can be achieved by spending time with family. A woman should be wise, have a happy soul, and teach her children that being happy, healthy, and together is what truly matters. It is also very important to have multiple sources of income. A man should focus on increasing his income before getting married and planning a family. Save money before making such decisions. We didn’t live a lavish life; we shared our siblings’ clothes. We lived with wisdom. There should be no blame game—generate money and spend it wisely.” Here is the link to the video: