Naimal Khawar Khan is a Pakistani model, actor, and digital influencer with an amazing Instagram following of 3.5 million. She started her media career with a prominent role in Shoaib Mansoor’s big venture Verna. Naimal also starred in the popular Hum TV drama serial Anaa, which became her breakthrough project. Naimal is also known as a brilliant painter. The Verna actor is married to Hamza Ali Abbasi, who recently got praise for his hit drama serial Jaan-e-Jahan. The couple is blessed with an adorable son, Mustafa Abbasi.
Naimal Khawar Khan recently traveled to Lahore to attend a friend’s wedding. She and her husband, Hamza Ali Abbasi, were special guests at the event. The charming couple posed for lovely pictures together, capturing everyone’s attention. Naimal looked stunning in a gorgeous peach outfit that perfectly complemented her graceful personality. Here we have gathered a few pictures for you: