Noor Jahan is a famous ARY Digital drama serial that has a stellar cast including Kubra Khan, Ali Rehman Khan, Zoya Nasir, Hajra Yamin, Saba Hamid, Noor Ul Hassan and others. The drama serial has been written by Zanjabeel Asim Shah and it has been directed by Musadik Malik. The drama has been produced by Six Sigma Plus productions. Noor Jehan is getting an overwhelming public response because of its unique storyline.
Today, Episode 23 aired on ARY Digital. In the episode, Kubra Khan as Noor Bano won the fans’ heart because of her stellar performance and brave character. The episode also featured Noor Jehan’s defeating moments at the hands of Noor Bano when she ordered car for her husband as her plan to bring Noor Jahan down. This worked well and Noor Jahan felt defeated.
Well, fans are loving the recent two episodes in which Noor Bano smoothly executed her revengeful plans. In the recent episodes, Noor Bano cleverly played her moves, she also stood by Murad and took care of him which went in her favour. Most of the fans are loving Noor Bano’s patient attitude with Noor Jehan even after knowing that his ailing father was mistreated by Noor Jahan. Noor Jahan fans are of the view that now the story has become more entertaining because of Noor Bano’s revenge. The audience is satisfied with Noor Bano taking revenge from Noor Jahan through her most beloved child who is now clearly out of her control. Fans loved the impactful scene between Noor Bano and Noor Jahan when Murad fought with her mother and she smirked after looking at Noor Jahan’s face. Fans are also loving the scene when Noor Bano gifted car to Murad. They are also loving the exchange of expressions between Noor Bano and Noor Jahan: