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Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Reviewit is your one-stop for authentic and trending entertainment news in Pakistan since the year 2012. From pioneering reviewing dramas to bringing you all the trending stories from the industry, Reviewit has always stood its ground to be a professional, unbiased, and relevant portal since its inception.

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Yes, we understand plagiarism is not considered a crime in Pakistan and the disease has spread so much that one can get to the highest positions without ever being called out. But remember authenticity is what makes a portal credible and the originality of the editorial team is important to stay relevant for a longer period of time. Yes, we at Reviewit understand that others can get “inspiration” from the content we create but blatantly “copying” is unacceptable, even in this part of the world.

Our team is known for its professionalism where we always give credit when we pick up a piece of exclusive news from another portal but our sister portals have probably forgotten the basic ethics of journalism as they are blatantly copying our news and articles just after we post them and some are even copying our exact same statements.

So, a few humble suggestions from Reviewit would be that like our team watches every show to extract the clips that become viral news. You can also watch those yourself and maybe even get some new things to post. Or better yet, you can credit the people who actually brought that news forward.

As is written above, Reviewit believes in authenticity and posting with credits, here are some examples of social media portals copying our news blatantly. Maybe this will bring some basic journalistic ethics back into our sister portals and they will start giving as much tie to working on their own as much they are spending on pressing copy-and-paste buttons.

Here is a list of those media portals and even websites which are blatantly copy content from reviewit without giving any credit:

Parhlo Pink
Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Wow 360
Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Showbiz Pakistann
Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

The Pruples


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A post shared by Pruples (@thepruples)


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Diva Pakistan

Reviewit Links – Authentic Source

Actor Shuja Asad Faced Extreme Humiliation When He Joined Showbiz

Nadia Jamil Shares Horrific Details About Her Traumatic Childhood Experiences

Aagha Ali First Time Reveals His Education

Aagha Ali Tells Why He Left Award Show In The Middle

Tere Bin Writer Is Not Happy With The Cast of The Drama

Anoushey Ashraf Shares Her Reaction After Seeing Salman Khan Shirtless

Hania Aamir Reveals The Sad Reason Behind Leaving Her Studies

Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar Names Overconfident Pakistani Actors

Jannat Mirza Responds To Criticism On Her Comparison With Imran Khan
Mahnoor Baloch Questions Shahrukh Khan’s Acting Skills

Ayub Khoso Talks About The Injustice Done by Team of Khuda Kay Liye

Ahmed Ali Butt Reveals He Got An Important Character’s Offer in Maula Jatt

Has Alishbah Anjum and Affan Malik’s Engagement Ended

Tiktoker Sehar Hayat’s Husband Under Criticism For Personal Vlog Offer

Screenshot Evidence

Diva Magazine

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

The Current

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

The Pruples

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

Gossip Herald

Pakistani Social Media Portals Copying Reviewit Blatantly

These are the screenshots from the past two to three days only. The above-mentioned portals have been copying entire entertainment content and text from Reviewit for years. We tried to reach out to them but they did not address our concerns therefore we had no choice but to call them out in this manner. Maybe now the people running these portals will wake up and smell the coffee that’s been brewing for quite a while now. We have a lot of respect for all the social media portals and therefore we never hold back while giving them due credit whenever and wherever it is due. However, clearly, they do not have the same work ethics which is extremely disappointing.

We would request all these portals and websites to either stop copying our content or specify that the content that they are posting is not original, citing the original sort which is Reviewit! 

My name is Shozib Ali. I have done Bachelors in Media Sciences. Currently Working as an administrator and content writer for reviewit.


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