The world is taking a break and in this situation, most of the people are working from home. There are some people who cannot afford to sit at home and they are serving others in this difficult time.
Police, rangers, bankers, doctors and sweepers etc are working day and night for us and people are appreciating them for their hard work in this situation.
Famous TV show host Aamir Liaquat Hussain also fulfilled his responsibility and appreciated the work of police and rangers.
He cooked and disturbed special biryani among rangers and police staff as a gesture of love and respect because of their tireless work in this situation.
Check out this video of Aamir Liaquat Hussain:
As soon as Aamir Liaquat Hussain shared his act of kindness on social media it received negative comments from people.
People bashed Hussain for showing off and also called him an ‘attention seeker’.
Here are some negative comments:
What do you think about this act of Aamir Liaquat Hussain? Share with us.