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Revenge of the Worthless (بدل) releasing on 22nd May 2015

Revenge of the Worthless (بدل)  is an upcoming film directed by Jamaal Shah. The film will be released on 22nd May 2015.

The film is based on a real events during the 2009 insurgency in the beautiful valley of Swat and is also shot in Swat.

Starring : Jamal Shah, Ayub Khoso, Firdaus Jamal, Shamyl Khan, Maira Khan and Emel Karakose ,Asif Shah, Asaldin Khan, Imran Tareen, Iram, Shehrbano, Abdur Raheem, Najeebullah Anjum,Tariq Jamal Arshad, Sultan, Kaleemullah, Qazi Zubair,Wafa Khan, Rafique and Marjan
Directed By: Jamal Shah
Cinematographer : Aamir Tehseen Rao
Written By: Jamal Shah
Screenplay By: Jamal Shah
Produced By: Amna Shah for Hunerkada Films

Here is the first look of Revenge of the Worthless

11150584_980722455301937_3283758836892616939_n (1) 11174807_981114568596059_2395478747369333730_n

Rashid Nazir Ali

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