Sakina Samo is a brilliant Pakistani television actor who raises voice on all the international and social issues. Lately, she has called out top Pakistani celebrities who are not speaking up for the people of Palestine. Well, the actress reposted Fatima Bhutto’s post regarding it as well. Sakina Samo posted a loud and clear message for Pakistani actors after observing their silence on the unfortunate situation which is being faced by the Palestinians after war. Sakina Samo’s post reads, “Indeed Pathetic. They want work from the western industry, endorsements etc etc etc”. Fatima Bhutto’s post reads, “All these silent Brown celebs and influencers? Where did you go? Was your activism only as far as “chai tea is tea tea”?
Remember that, the International media, people stars are speaking for the people Palestine. People in Pakistan are also raising voice in their capacity but mostly Pakistani superstars are silent on a serious issue. Fawad Khan, Mehwish Hayat, Saba Qamar, Wahaj Ali, Yumna Zaidi, Sana Javed, Humaima Malick and many other actors who consider them among the top Pakistani actors are silent on the atrocities faced by Palestinian brothers. Here we have gathered the screenshots from their profiles, who are completely silent.
Pakistani social media users have been quite vocal on Palestine issue and they have been posting for Palestinians on all the social media platforms. They are blatantly calling out top Pakistani celebrities for staying quiet. Read comments: